Large Gnome
reconstruction of an Austrian gnome (unknown artist)
from approx. 1890
38 x 63 cm / 15" x 25"
The gnome is a high end ceramic figure using 3 different gypsum molds, one for the torso, one for one leg and one for the hands. The clay is not casted in the molds, we press it by hand in the
same way they did it more than 100 years ago. This makes the figure more stable and more heavy.
The gnome is professional painted in finest traditional style
Weight : approx. 7.3 kg
800,00 €
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Large Gnome
reconstruction of an Austrian gnome (unknown artist)
from approx. 1890
38 x 63 cm / 15" x 25"
The gnome is a high end ceramic figure using 3 different gypsum molds, one for the torso, one for one leg and one for the hands. The clay is not casted in the molds, we press it by hand in the
same way they did it more than 100 years ago. This makes the figure more stable and more heavy.
The gnome is professional painted in finest traditional style
Weight : approx. 7.3 kg
800,00 €
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Goldmine Willie
Finest ceramic artwork
approx. 1880
Eichwald Bohemia
74 cm
Large Gnome from the famous manufactory of Bernhard Bloch in Aussig Bohemia. I found the Original gnome some years ago on ebay. The gnome had lost his legs long time ago and was disposed in a lake north of Berlin, where he was found about 80 years later. The figure was still full of little shellfishs. I recontructed the legs, and went to a high professionell moldmaker, who produced for me 5 plaster (gypsum) molds to reproduce this gnome in the original manner. This is a very complicated procedure, even for ceramic professionals. The finish (painting) usually is better than the originals, because I am not in a hurry and I do not work in an assembly line :-)
850,00 €
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August Bloch V.
(finest marble cast)
approx. 1880
Eichwald Bohemia
76 cm
Large Gnome from the famous manufactory of Bernhard Bloch in Aussig Bohemia. I found the Original some years ago. The gnome had some old restoration and a face like a pig. I did some plastic surgery and gave him a new friendly face. We cast this gnome in finest marble cast.
850,00 €
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(black marble cast)
approx. 1880
Eichwald Bohemia
86 cm
Large Gnome from the famous manufactory of Bernhard Bloch in Aussig Bohemia. I found the Original some years ago in the barn of an antiques dealer. The figure was broken in many sherds. It took some days to get the pieces together. Now we reproduce the gnome in finest (black) marble cast.
500,00 €
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(finest marble cast)
approx. 1880
Eichwald Bohemia
86 cm
Large Gnome from the famous manufactory of Bernhard Bloch in Aussig Bohemia. I found the Original some years ago in the barn of an antiques dealer. The figure was broken in many sherds. It took some days to get the pieces together. Now we reproduce the gnome in finest marble cast.
850,00 €
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(finest marble cast)
approx. 1880
Eichwald Bohemia
16 cm
Small Gnome from the famous manufactory of Bernhard Bloch in Aussig Bohemia. We made a few marble casts of this gnome. Now we produce this figure in ceramic. Coming soon.
59,00 €
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finest ceramic cast
approx. 1880
Eichwald Bohemia
15 cm
Small Gnome from the famous manufactory of Bernhard Bloch in Aussig Bohemia. We made a few marble casts of this gnome. Now we produce this figure in ceramic. Coming soon.
59,00 €
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Historic Gnomes
Karl Moeller
Nahrungsberg 16a
35390 Giessen
+49 176 23122666
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